[CREATE] Deadline Reminder. Libre graphics Meeting,15 February

Monica Cachafeiro monica at medialab-prado.es
Fri Jan 25 12:04:49 PST 2013


Just a short reminder about the Libre Graphics Meeting 
<http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2013/> call, the deadline is *February 


In April 2013, the yearly Libre Graphics Meeting 
<http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2013/>and Interactivos?'13: Tools for a 
read-write world <http://medialab-prado.es/article/ilgru_call_projects> 
workshop join forces to exchange, discuss, produce and imagine Free, 
Libre and Open source tools for graphics and design. The event will take 
place in Madrid and is a unique oportunity for software developers, 
artists and designers from all over the world to collaborate and develop 
present and future tools.

If you want to support the event, donate at pledgie.com


Don't miss the deadline!

Mónica Cachafeiro
Medialab Prado
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Tlf: 915 177 289, ext. 57289

Durante las obras que tienen lugar en MEDIALAB PRADO (Plaza de las Letras. Alameda, 15. 28014 Madrid) el personal y la actividad se trasladan temporalmente a Paseo de la Chopera, 14. 28045 Madrid (Intermediae-Matadero-Madrid).

Go Green, Keep it on the Screen!

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