[CREATE] Important: European V-PAY debit cards do not work in Canada

Michael Schumacher schumaml at gmx.de
Mon Apr 27 23:42:55 PDT 2015

Hi all,

for past LGMs in Canada, it has been rather easy for Europeans to pay
and use ATMs with their debit cards, especially the Maestro ones,
without having to use a credit card.

This is different now:
Some European banks have begun to issue V-PAY cards (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_PAY for details). These are no good
outside of Europe - this means no cash from ATMs, and no paying anywhere.


- if you are from Europe and you got a credit card, bring it
- if you do so, make sure that you know its PIN
- and verify that it works before you arrive here

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