[CREATE] 1.2.0-beta.0 released

Andrew Chadwick a.t.chadwick at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 17:35:02 PDT 2015

The first proper beta testing release for 1.2.0 is ready for brave
souls to try out. I really hope you all like what you see!

You can download it from

We have Windows and Ubuntu binaries available, all signed, plus a
signed canonical source tarball. Apologies for the size of the Windows
installers - we need to package all of GTK/GDK and Python on that
platform too.

(Don't forget: if you find the translations lacking for your
languages, you can help fix mistakes before the next beta over at
https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/mypaint/. Your friendly maintainer
here is sadly a near-total monoglot, but we have tools. And a crowd to
source from.)

Andrew Chadwick

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