[CREATE] Libre Graphics Meeting: Call for 2017 Location

ginger coons ginger at adaptstudio.ca
Sat Mar 28 17:12:19 PDT 2015


It's that time of year again...

Libre Graphics Meeting: Call for 2017 Location

Where will Libre Graphics Meeting take place in 2017? An important step 
towards this decision will happen in Toronto this year, on the last day 
of LGM. If you are thinking about making a proposal to host LGM 2017, 
here are some points to consider:

Ethical and political issues
Security issues
Health issues
Free software acceptance or support in the host country
Budget and sponsoring
Proposed dates and agenda issues with other events
Venue and on-site infrastructure
Travel and accommodation
Experience of the local team at organizing such an international event
Communication skills of the local team

Your proposal should cover these areas and should explain why and how 
you think your city could host the next Libre Graphics Meeting. You can 
refer to Leipzig’s proposal for 2014 
or Toronto's successful 2015 proposal 

Submit your proposal as a PDF, along with your name, and the name of the 
city and country you are proposing. Submissions can be sent by email to 
the 2015 and 2016 organizers, ginger coons (ginger at adaptstudio.ca) and 
Larisa Blazic (lab at v-ac-uum.xyz). Please include both Larisa and ginger 
on your email so that your submission can be processed efficiently. At 
the end of this year’s Libre Graphics Meeting you will get a chance to 
introduce yourself and your team as well as the venue and answer questions.

We do expect that you might need clarifications or feedback on your 
ideas before you upload your proposal, so feel free to subscribe to the 
LibreGraphicsMeeting mailing list 
and post your questions there. Past and present organizers will gladly 
help you. If you want to make your proposal for a subsequent year and 
would like to let us know about it sooner, don’t hesitate to post your 
proposal as well.

Deadline for 2017 location submissions: April 20, 2015.

ginger "all-lower-case" coons
Phone: 647.865.7757
Skype: gingercoons
XMPP: ginger at adaptstudio.ca

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