[CREATE] LGM2016 Trip Report

Pat David patdavid at gmail.com
Fri May 20 14:26:53 UTC 2016

Hello all!

I recently posted some thoughts (and photos - go figure) from my time out
in London for LGM this year.  If you're interested in having a read, the
post can be found here:


It was an awesome trip overall, and the hosts were just amazing (Lara,
Phil, the students, everyone was extremely gracious and super-friendly).
The venue was fantastic, and it was great getting a chance to catch up with

If anyone sat for a portrait while Marek, Ofnuts, and I were fooling around
with lighting, you can find those images in their respective albums (on

Of course, we posted all of these images in the Flickr group pool:

If I have missed your name I apologize!  Please let me know what it is if
you want me to update the posts appropriately.  Also, if it's you in the
image please feel free to use the image in any way that you would like,
without restrictions (this _should_ go without saying, but now it's said
explicitly :) ).  If you want the raw files for your image just let me know.

Finally, a _HUGE_ thank you to the organizers, and the local organizers for
putting on an awesome meeting again this year!

Pat David
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