dbus/test/python test-client.py,1.12,1.13

Robert McQueen robot101 at freedesktop.org
Mon Nov 7 04:14:55 PST 2005

Update of /cvs/dbus/dbus/test/python
In directory gabe:/tmp/cvs-serv22655/test/python

Modified Files:
Log Message:
2005-11-07  Robert McQueen  <robot101 at debian.org>

	* python/_dbus.py: Add WeakReferenceDictionary cache of dbus.Bus
	instances to stop madness of creating new instances representing
	the same bus connection all the time, rendering any tracking of
	match rules and bus names quite meaningless. Caught a bug where
	the private argument to SessionBus() and friends was being passed
	in as use_default_mainloop by mistake. Still some problems with
	multiple dbus_binding.Connection instances representing the same
	low-level connection (eg when you use both SessionBus() and
	StarterBus() in same process), but it's a lot better now than it

	* python/dbus_bindings.pyx: Add constants with the return values
	for bus_request_name().

	* python/service.py: Store bus name instances in a per-dbus.Bus cache
	and retrieve the same instances for the same name, so deletion can be
	done with refcounting. Also now throws some kind of error if you
	don't actually get the name you requested, unlike previously...

	* test/python/test-client.py: Add tests for instance caching of buses
	and bus name objects.

Index: test-client.py
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/test/python/test-client.py,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -d -r1.12 -r1.13
--- test-client.py	4 Nov 2005 12:18:00 -0000	1.12
+++ test-client.py	7 Nov 2005 12:14:53 -0000	1.13
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import dbus_bindings
 import gobject
 import dbus.glib
+import dbus.service
 if not dbus.__file__.startswith(pydir):
     raise Exception("DBus modules are not being picked up from the package")
@@ -169,6 +170,65 @@
                 print val, ret
                 self.assert_(val == ret)
+    def testBusInstanceCaching(self):
+        print "\n********* Testing dbus.Bus instance sharing *********"
+        # unfortunately we can't test the system bus here
+        # but the codepaths are the same
+        for (cls, type, func) in ((dbus.SessionBus, dbus.Bus.TYPE_SESSION, dbus.Bus.get_session), (dbus.StarterBus, dbus.Bus.TYPE_STARTER, dbus.Bus.get_starter)):
+            print "\nTesting %s:" % cls.__name__
+            share_cls = cls()
+            share_type = dbus.Bus(bus_type=type)
+            share_func = func()
+            private_cls = cls(private=True)
+            private_type = dbus.Bus(bus_type=type, private=True)
+            private_func = func(private=True)
+            print " - checking shared instances are the same..."
+            self.assert_(share_cls == share_type, '%s should equal %s' % (share_cls, share_type))
+            self.assert_(share_type == share_func, '%s should equal %s' % (share_type, share_func))
+            print " - checking private instances are distinct from the shared instance..."
+            self.assert_(share_cls != private_cls, '%s should not equal %s' % (share_cls, private_cls))
+            self.assert_(share_type != private_type, '%s should not equal %s' % (share_type, private_type))
+            self.assert_(share_func != private_func, '%s should not equal %s' % (share_func, private_func))
+            print " - checking private instances are distinct from each other..."
+            self.assert_(private_cls != private_type, '%s should not equal %s' % (private_cls, private_type))
+            self.assert_(private_type != private_func, '%s should not equal %s' % (private_type, private_func))
+            self.assert_(private_func != private_cls, '%s should not equal %s' % (private_func, private_cls))
+    def testBusNameCreation(self):
+        print '\n******** Testing BusName creation ********'
+        test = [('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TestName', True),
+                ('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.TestName', True),
+                ('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.InvalidName&^*%$', False),
+                ('org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuitePythonService', False)]
+        # For some reason this actually succeeds
+        # ('org.freedesktop.DBus', False)]
+        # make a method call to ensure the test service is active
+        self.iface.Echo("foo")
+        names = {}
+        for (name, succeed) in test:
+            try:
+                print "requesting %s" % name
+                busname = dbus.service.BusName(name)
+            except Exception, e:
+                print "%s:\n%s" % (e.__class__, e)
+                self.assert_(not succeed, 'did not expect registering bus name %s to fail' % name)
+            else:
+                print busname
+                self.assert_(succeed, 'expected registering bus name %s to fail'% name)
+                if name in names:
+                    self.assert_(names[name] == busname, 'got a new instance for same name %s' % name)
+                    print "instance of %s re-used, good!" % name
+                else:
+                    names[name] = busname
 class TestDBusPythonToGLibBindings(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.bus = dbus.SessionBus()

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