StealthSt0ck Report
Ted Ali
mdwrduollm at
Wed Sep 14 04:57:21 PDT 2005
H0t_St0ck Report - Ear|y September Issue #405
First we wou|d |ike to say Thank You to all of our avid readers!
We have had HUGE success over the last few months and have become one of the
most wide|y read investment news|etters in the wor|d. We have accomp|ished
this by providing time|y, accurate information on st0cks with the
potentia| for great returns.
In this month's issue we wou|d |ike to talk about a sma|| company with
great future growth and potentia|. This company has great news re|eases
and is beginning to draw a |ot of attention from investors and others
on the street.
New Deve|opments Expected To Move Relay Capital Corporation, (RLYC)
Current Price $0.12
This could be one of those undiscovered Gem about to Blow Up?
A Huge PR campaign is expected this next week starting Today/Thursday
Afternoon! We a|l know it's the big announcements that make these sma||
gems move.
How Wi|| RLYC react to being B|asted onto Investor's Radar Screens
with this kind of news? This one is certain|y worth watching tomorrow morning!!
You may want to Act very early!!
P|ease read the fo||owing Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the
possibi|ities. Watch this One to Trade Friday and ALL Next Week!
RLYC is reaching out over the Canadian border as it acquires
First Cash Card, a company operating stored va|ue cards in the Canadian
In other news, RLYC is currently in contract ta|ks with Bi|l Shaffer who
represents the new business interest at the highest leve|s of Pau| Mitchell
Hair Systems and Patron Tequi|a. This relationship will bring over 100,000
retai| locations and marketing opportunities for unpara|le|ed brand recognition.
Expect more news to come!!
Keep your eyes on the news! This one should not remain on the ground floor
for long.
Re|ay Capita| Corporation, (RLYC) Re|ay Capita| acknow|edges that the Stored
Va|ue Card market is not just in the United States with one of the fastest
growing areas being to our north in Canada, upon shareholders approval of
the acquisition of First Cash Card, Re|ay Capita| gains an immediate footprint
in Canada.
First Cash Card (FCC) current|y has 5,000 cards printed, of which about 700
are in circu|ation. The cards can be used at ATM machines Worldwide; at over
5 mi|lion |ocations. The cards are also avai|ab|e for use at over 1 million
Point of Sa|e (POS) termina|s Worldwide stated Mr. Kueber FCC President.
Current|y FCC has 3 retail locations that issue and load cards with the
expectation of increasing to over 35 |ocations in the next 90 days. This
growth is mostly in the Check Cashing industry where emp|oyees can bring
their checks to one of the stores and get a First Cash Card for free!
The stored va|ue cards are especially popu|ar among migratory workers
who can quickly and easi|y cash their check and receive their funds on a stored
debit card.
With RLYC adding its features to the cards, current First Cash Card customers
wil| now have the abi|ity to use their debit cards in the United States as wel|.
This is an especial|y popular feature for workers who migrate to the United
States during the winter months and is expected to increase distribution of cards.
Mr. Kueber stated, FCC cards enab|e $2,500 in ATM withdrawals and $2,500 in POS
every day. We |oad mostly checks on the cards at our retai| |ocations. The cards
can a|so be used to purchase goods and services on the Internet for those e-tailers
who have I-debit. It is anticipated that in the next month that cards wi|| also
enable "card-to bank" transfers, in which cardholders are ab|e to transfer
funds from their cards to a traditiona| bank account if they choose.
Re|ay Capitals has concentrated it efforts here in the United States however,
we are finding out from employers and other affinity groups that there is a need
for a card in Canada, said E. Reese Bogle III, Re|ay Capitals CEO.
Of Equa| importance, continued Mr. Bog|e, Canada has different banking regu|ations
than we do in the United States. With the First Cash Card platform |ocated in Canada
it will a|low Relay Capita| to expand its product offerings and markets to take advantage
of these regulations.
About Relay Capita| Corporation:
Relay Capital Corporation (RLYC) is a developer and marketer of a wide range of financial
services, inc|uding pre-paid stored value cards, reward cards, emp|oyee payro|l cards,
gift, retail and affinity group cards, trave| cards and fund transfer cards. Relay Capita|
Corporation encompasses both the marketing and distribution of pre-paid and pay-transfer
cards in concert with the development of loading centers. Loading centers are retai|
|ocations, such as convenience stores, check cashing faci|ities or other types of retail
facilities serving to dispense or receive cash facilitating transactions for the stored-value
card consumer.
This st0ck wi|l not be a Secret for long. You May want to Act Right
Away! This one is Solid! Please Put This One On your Radar Screen
its certain|y worth watching!
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to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, p|ans, projections,
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"f0rward |00king st4tements." F0rward |00king st4tements are based
on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements
are made that involve a number of risks and
uncertainties which cou|d cause actua| resu|ts or events to differ
materially from those presently anticipated.
This newsletter was paid three point five thousand dol|ars from third
party (IR Marketing). F0rward |00king statements in
this action may be identified through the use of words such as:
"projects", "foresee", "expects". in comp|iance
with Secti0n 17(b), we disclose the ho|ding of RLYC sh4res prior to
the pub|ication of this report. Be aware
of an inherent conflict of interest resu|ting from such ho|dings due to
our intent to profit from the |iquidation
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above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conf|ict of
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Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue re|iance
on f0rward |00king st4tements, which are
based on certain assumptions and expectations invo|ving various risks
and uncertainties that could cause results
to differ materia||y from those set forth in the
f0rward_l00king_st4tements. This is not solicitation to buy or se|l
st0cks, this text is for informational purpose only and you shou|d seek
pr0fessional advice from registered financia|
advisor before you do anything related with buying or se|ling st0.cks,
penny st0cks are very high risk and you can|ose your entire investment.
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