dbus/qt dbusidl2cpp.cpp, 1.3, 1.4 qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp, 1.3, 1.4 qdbusabstractadaptor.h, 1.2, 1.3 qdbusabstractinterface.cpp, 1.3, 1.4 qdbusabstractinterface.h, 1.3, 1.4 qdbusabstractinterface_p.h, 1.2, 1.3 qdbusinterface.cpp, 1.6, 1.7

Thiago J. Macieira thiago at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue May 2 07:00:29 PDT 2006

Update of /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt
In directory kemper:/tmp/cvs-serv18746/qt

Modified Files:
	dbusidl2cpp.cpp qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp 
	qdbusabstractadaptor.h qdbusabstractinterface.cpp 
	qdbusabstractinterface.h qdbusabstractinterface_p.h 
Log Message:
	* qt/dbusidl2cpp.cpp: There's no callAsync. Use the correct
        call (r535506)

	* qt/dbusidl2cpp.cpp:
	* qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp:
	* qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.h: Make QDBusAdaptorConnector be a
        sibling of the QDBusAbstractAdaptor objects instead of the
        parent. (r535848)

	* qt/dbusidl2cpp.cpp:
	* qt/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp:
	* qt/qdbusabstractinterface.h:
	* qt/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h:
	* qt/qdbusinterface.cpp: Make properties in interfaces
        actually work. The code that was generated would not compile,
        due to moc calls to functions that did not exist. They now
        shall. (r536571)

Index: dbusidl2cpp.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/dbusidl2cpp.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- dbusidl2cpp.cpp	29 Apr 2006 17:22:47 -0000	1.3
+++ dbusidl2cpp.cpp	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.4
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 #include "qdbusintrospection_p.h"
 #define PROGRAMNAME     "dbusidl2cpp"
-#define PROGRAMVERSION  "0.3"
+#define PROGRAMVERSION  "0.4"
 #define PROGRAMCOPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2006 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved."
 #define ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT      "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply"
@@ -344,6 +344,26 @@
+static QString propertyGetter(const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property)
+    QString getter = property.annotations.value("com.trolltech.QtDBus.propertyGetter");
+    if (getter.isEmpty()) {
+        getter =  property.name;
+        getter[0] = getter[0].toLower();
+    }
+    return getter;
+static QString propertySetter(const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property)
+    QString setter = property.annotations.value("com.trolltech.QtDBus.propertySetter");
+    if (setter.isEmpty()) {
+        setter = "set" + property.name;
+        setter[3] = setter[3].toUpper();
+    }
+    return setter;
 static QString stringify(const QString &data)
     QString retval;
@@ -425,31 +445,6 @@
            << "{" << endl
            << "    Q_OBJECT" << endl;
-        // properties:
-        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property, interface->properties) {
-            QByteArray type = qtTypeName(property.type);
-            QString templateType = templateArg(type);
-            QString constRefType = constRefArg(type);
-            QString getter = property.name;
-            QString setter = "set" + property.name;
-            getter[0] = getter[0].toLower();
-            setter[3] = setter[3].toUpper();
-            hs << "    Q_PROPERTY(" << type << " " << property.name;
-            // getter:
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
-                // it's readble
-                hs << " READ" << getter;
-            // setter
-            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
-                // it's writeable
-                hs << " WRITE" << setter;
-            hs << ")" << endl;
-        }
         // the interface name
         hs << "public:" << endl
            << "    static inline const char *staticInterfaceName()" << endl
@@ -472,9 +467,50 @@
            << "}" << endl
            << endl;
+        // properties:
+        foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property, interface->properties) {
+            QByteArray type = qtTypeName(property.type);
+            QString templateType = templateArg(type);
+            QString constRefType = constRefArg(type);
+            QString getter = propertyGetter(property);
+            QString setter = propertySetter(property);
+            hs << "    Q_PROPERTY(" << type << " " << property.name;
+            // getter:
+            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
+                // it's readble
+                hs << " READ " << getter;
+            // setter
+            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
+                // it's writeable
+                hs << " WRITE " << setter;
+            hs << ")" << endl;
+            // getter:
+            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write) {
+                hs << "    inline " << type << " " << getter << "() const" << endl;
+                if (type != "QVariant")
+                    hs << "    { return qvariant_cast< " << type << " >(internalPropGet(\""
+                       << property.name << "\")); }" << endl;
+                else
+                    hs << "    { return internalPropGet(\"" << property.name << "\"); }" << endl;
+            }
+            // setter:
+            if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read) {
+                hs << "    inline void " << setter << "(" << constRefArg(type) << "value)" << endl
+                   << "    { internalPropSet(\"" << property.name
+                   << "\", qVariantFromValue(value)); }" << endl;
+            }
+            hs << endl;
+        }
         // methods:
-        hs << "public slots: // METHODS" << endl;
+        hs << "public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS" << endl;
         foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Method &method, interface->methods) {
             bool isAsync = method.annotations.value(ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT) == "true";
             if (isAsync && !method.outputArgs.isEmpty()) {
@@ -544,7 +580,7 @@
                << endl;
-        hs << "signals: // SIGNALS" << endl;
+        hs << "Q_SIGNALS: // SIGNALS" << endl;
         foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Signal &signal, interface->signals_) {
             hs << "    ";
             if (signal.annotations.value("org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated") == "true")
@@ -720,12 +756,10 @@
         foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Property &property, interface->properties) {
             QByteArray type = qtTypeName(property.type);
             QString constRefType = constRefArg(type);
-            QString getter = property.name;
-            QString setter = "set" + property.name;
-            getter[0] = getter[0].toLower();
-            setter[3] = setter[3].toUpper();
+            QString getter = propertyGetter(property);
+            QString setter = propertySetter(property);
-            hs << "   Q_PROPERTY(" << type << " " << property.name;
+            hs << "    Q_PROPERTY(" << type << " " << property.name;
             if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write)
                 hs << " READ " << getter;
             if (property.access != QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read)
@@ -739,7 +773,7 @@
                    << className << "::" << getter << "() const" << endl
                    << "{" << endl
                    << "    // get the value of property " << property.name << endl
-                   << "    return qvariant_cast< " << type <<" >(object()->property(\"" << getter << "\"));" << endl
+                   << "    return qvariant_cast< " << type <<" >(parent()->property(\"" << property.name << "\"));" << endl
                    << "}" << endl
                    << endl;
@@ -750,7 +784,7 @@
                 cs << "void " << className << "::" << setter << "(" << constRefType << "value)" << endl
                    << "{" << endl
                    << "    // set the value of property " << property.name << endl
-                   << "    object()->setProperty(\"" << getter << "\", value);" << endl
+                   << "    parent()->setProperty(\"" << property.name << "\", value);" << endl
                    << "}" << endl
                    << endl;
@@ -758,7 +792,7 @@
             hs << endl;
-        hs << "public slots: // METHODS" << endl;
+        hs << "public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS" << endl;
         foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Method &method, interface->methods) {
             bool isAsync = method.annotations.value(ANNOTATION_NO_WAIT) == "true";
             if (isAsync && !method.outputArgs.isEmpty()) {
@@ -805,7 +839,7 @@
             // make the call
             if (method.inputArgs.count() <= 10 && method.outputArgs.count() <= 1) {
                 // we can use QMetaObject::invokeMethod
-                static const char invoke[] = "    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(object(), \"";
+                static const char invoke[] = "    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), \"";
                 cs << invoke << name << "\"";
                 if (!method.outputArgs.isEmpty())
@@ -830,7 +864,7 @@
                << "    //";
             if (!method.outputArgs.isEmpty())
                 cs << argNames.at(method.inputArgs.count()) << " = ";
-            cs << "static_cast<YourObjectType *>(object())->" << name << "(";
+            cs << "static_cast<YourObjectType *>(parent())->" << name << "(";
             int argPos = 0;
             bool first = true;
@@ -851,7 +885,7 @@
                << endl;
-        hs << "signals: // SIGNALS" << endl;
+        hs << "Q_SIGNALS: // SIGNALS" << endl;
         foreach (const QDBusIntrospection::Signal &signal, interface->signals_) {
             hs << "    ";
             if (signal.annotations.value("org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated") == "true")

Index: qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp	28 Mar 2006 18:56:08 -0000	1.3
+++ qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.4
@@ -51,12 +51,7 @@
 QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(QObject *obj)
-    qAdaptorInit();
-#if 0
-    if (caller->metaObject() == QDBusAdaptorConnector::staticMetaObject)
-        return 0;               // it's a QDBusAdaptorConnector
+    (void)qAdaptorInit();
     if (!obj)
         return 0;
@@ -66,9 +61,14 @@
     return connector;
+QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor)
+    return qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(adaptor->parent());
 QDBusAdaptorConnector *qDBusCreateAdaptorConnector(QObject *obj)
-    qAdaptorInit();
+    (void)qAdaptorInit();
     QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(obj);
     if (connector)
@@ -122,15 +122,11 @@
     Constructs a QDBusAbstractAdaptor with \a parent as the object we refer to.
-    \warning Use object() to retrieve the object passed as \a parent to this constructor. The real
-             parent object (as retrieved by QObject::parent()) may be something else.
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::QDBusAbstractAdaptor(QObject* parent)
-    : d(new QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate)
+    : QObject(parent), d(new QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate)
     QDBusAdaptorConnector *connector = qDBusCreateAdaptorConnector(parent);
-    setParent(connector);
     connector->waitingForPolish = true;
     QTimer::singleShot(0, connector, SLOT(polish()));
@@ -153,7 +149,7 @@
 QObject* QDBusAbstractAdaptor::object() const
-    return parent()->parent();
+    return parent();
@@ -167,7 +163,7 @@
 void QDBusAbstractAdaptor::setAutoRelaySignals(bool enable)
     const QMetaObject *us = metaObject();
-    const QMetaObject *them = object()->metaObject();
+    const QMetaObject *them = parent()->metaObject();
     for (int idx = staticMetaObject.methodCount(); idx < us->methodCount(); ++idx) {
         QMetaMethod mm = us->method(idx);
@@ -179,9 +175,9 @@
         if (them->indexOfSignal(sig) == -1)
         sig.prepend(QSIGNAL_CODE + '0');
-        object()->disconnect(sig, this, sig);
+        parent()->disconnect(sig, this, sig);
         if (enable)
-            connect(object(), sig, sig);
+            connect(parent(), sig, sig);
@@ -274,7 +270,7 @@
         qWarning("Inconsistency detected: QDBusAdaptorConnector::relay got called with unexpected sender object!");
     } else {
         QMetaMethod mm = senderMetaObject->method(lastSignalIdx);
-        QObject *object = static_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(sender)->object();
+        QObject *object = static_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(sender)->parent();
         // break down the parameter list
         QList<int> types;
@@ -316,8 +312,9 @@
 void QDBusAdaptorConnector::signalBeginCallback(QObject *caller, int method_index, void **argv)
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *data = qobject_cast<QDBusAdaptorConnector *>(caller->parent());
-    if (data) {
+    QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor = qobject_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(caller);
+    if (adaptor) {
+        QDBusAdaptorConnector *data = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(adaptor);
         data->lastSignalIdx = method_index;
         data->argv = argv;
         data->senderMetaObject = caller->metaObject();
@@ -327,8 +324,9 @@
 void QDBusAdaptorConnector::signalEndCallback(QObject *caller, int)
-    QDBusAdaptorConnector *data = qobject_cast<QDBusAdaptorConnector *>(caller->parent());
-    if (data) {
+    QDBusAbstractAdaptor *adaptor = qobject_cast<QDBusAbstractAdaptor *>(caller);
+    if (adaptor) {
+        QDBusAdaptorConnector *data = qDBusFindAdaptorConnector(adaptor);
         data->lastSignalIdx = 0;
         data->argv = 0;
         data->senderMetaObject = 0;

Index: qdbusabstractadaptor.h
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- qdbusabstractadaptor.h	6 Mar 2006 14:29:39 -0000	1.2
+++ qdbusabstractadaptor.h	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.3
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
-    QObject *object() const;
+    Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QObject *object() const;
     void setAutoRelaySignals(bool enable);

Index: qdbusabstractinterface.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/qdbusabstractinterface.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- qdbusabstractinterface.cpp	29 Apr 2006 12:44:31 -0000	1.3
+++ qdbusabstractinterface.cpp	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.4
@@ -28,6 +28,60 @@
 #include "qdbusmetaobject_p.h"
 #include "qdbusconnection_p.h"
+QVariant QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const
+    // try to read this property
+    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path, DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,
+                                                QLatin1String("Get"));
+    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name());
+    QDBusMessage reply = connp->sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
+    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && reply.count() == 1 &&
+        reply.signature() == QLatin1String("v")) {
+        QVariant value = QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(reply.at(0));
+        // make sure the type is right
+        if (qstrcmp(mp.typeName(), value.typeName()) == 0) {
+            if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
+                // QVariant is special in this context
+                return QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(value);
+            return value;
+        }
+    }
+    // there was an error...
+    if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage)
+        lastError = reply;
+    else if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
+        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
+                                       DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES);
+        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));
+    } else {
+        QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected type `%1' when retrieving property "
+                                       "`%2 %3.%4'");
+        lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
+                               errmsg.arg(QLatin1String(reply.at(0).typeName()),
+                                          QLatin1String(mp.typeName()),
+                                          interface, QString::fromUtf8(mp.name())));
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+void QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate::setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value)
+    // send the value
+    QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path, DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,
+                                                QLatin1String("Set"));
+    msg.setSignature(QLatin1String("ssv"));
+    msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name()) << value;
+    QDBusMessage reply = connp->sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::NoUseEventLoop);
+    if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
+        lastError = reply;
     \class QDBusAbstractInterface
     \brief Base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the QtDBus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces.
@@ -247,6 +301,40 @@
+    \internal
+    Get the value of the property \a propname.
+QVariant QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet(const char *propname) const
+    // assume this property exists and is readable
+    // we're only called from generated code anyways
+    int idx = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propname);
+    if (idx != -1)
+        return d_func()->property(metaObject()->property(idx));
+    qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet called with unknown property '%s'", propname);
+    return QVariant();          // error
+    \internal
+    Set the value of the property \a propname to \a value.
+void QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropSet(const char *propname, const QVariant &value)
+    Q_D(QDBusAbstractInterface);
+    // assume this property exists and is writeable
+    // we're only called from generated code anyways
+    int idx = metaObject()->indexOfProperty(propname);
+    if (idx != -1)
+        d->setProperty(metaObject()->property(idx), value);
+    else
+        qWarning("QDBusAbstractInterface::internalPropGet called with unknown property '%s'", propname);
     \fn QDBusMessage QDBusAbstractInterface::call(const QString &method)

Index: qdbusabstractinterface.h
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/qdbusabstractinterface.h,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- qdbusabstractinterface.h	29 Apr 2006 12:44:31 -0000	1.3
+++ qdbusabstractinterface.h	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.4
@@ -242,6 +242,8 @@
     QDBusAbstractInterface(QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate *);
     void connectNotify(const char *signal);
     void disconnectNotify(const char *signal);
+    QVariant internalPropGet(const char *propname) const;
+    void internalPropSet(const char *propname, const QVariant &value);
     friend class QDBusInterface;

Index: qdbusabstractinterface_p.h
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/qdbusabstractinterface_p.h,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- qdbusabstractinterface_p.h	23 Apr 2006 19:04:53 -0000	1.2
+++ qdbusabstractinterface_p.h	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.3
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     QString service;
     QString path;
     QString interface;
-    QDBusError lastError;
+    mutable QDBusError lastError;
     bool isValid;
     inline QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate(const QDBusConnection& con, QDBusConnectionPrivate *conp,
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
         : conn(con), connp(conp), service(serv), path(p), interface(iface), isValid(true)
     { }
     virtual ~QDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate() { }
+    // these functions do not check if the property is valid
+    QVariant property(const QMetaProperty &mp) const;
+    void setProperty(const QMetaProperty &mp, const QVariant &value);

Index: qdbusinterface.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/dbus/dbus/qt/qdbusinterface.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- qdbusinterface.cpp	29 Apr 2006 12:44:31 -0000	1.6
+++ qdbusinterface.cpp	2 May 2006 14:00:27 -0000	1.7
@@ -180,72 +180,24 @@
         if (!mp.isReadable())
             return -1;          // don't read
-        // try to read this property
-        QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path, DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,
-                                                    QLatin1String("Get"));
-        msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name());
-        QPointer<QDBusAbstractInterface> qq = q;
-        QDBusMessage reply = connp->sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::UseEventLoop);
-        // access to "this" or to "q" below this point must check for "qq"
-        // we may have been deleted!
-        if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage && reply.count() == 1 &&
-            reply.signature() == QLatin1String("v")) {
-            QVariant value = QDBusTypeHelper<QVariant>::fromVariant(reply.at(0));
-            // make sure the type is right
-            if (strcmp(mp.typeName(), value.typeName()) == 0) {
-                if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
-                    // QVariant is special in this context
-                    *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(argv[0]) = value;
-                else
-                    QDBusMetaObject::assign(argv[0], value);
-                return -1;
-            }
-        }
-        // got an error
-        if (qq.isNull())
-            return -1;          // bail out
+        QVariant value = property(mp);
+        if (value.type() == QVariant::Invalid)
+            // an error occurred -- property already set lastError
+            return -1;
+        else if (mp.type() == QVariant::LastType)
+            // QVariant is special in this context
+            *reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(argv[0]) = value;
+        else
+            QDBusMetaObject::assign(argv[0], value);
-        if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage)
-            lastError = reply;
-        else if (reply.signature() != QLatin1String("v")) {
-            QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Invalid signature `%1' in return from call to "
-                                           DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES);
-            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature, errmsg.arg(reply.signature()));
-        } else {
-            QString errmsg = QLatin1String("Unexpected type `%1' when retrieving property "
-                                           "`%2 %3.%4'");
-            lastError = QDBusError(QDBusError::InvalidSignature,
-                                   errmsg.arg(QLatin1String(reply.at(0).typeName()),
-                                              QLatin1String(mp.typeName()),
-                                              interface, QString::fromUtf8(mp.name())));
-        }
-        return -1;
+        return -1; // handled
     } else if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
         // QMetaProperty::write has already checked that we're writable
         // it has also checked that the type is right
         QVariant value(metaObject->propertyMetaType(id), argv[0]);
         QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset());
-        // send the value
-        QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::methodCall(service, path, DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,
-                                                    QLatin1String("Set"));
-        msg.setSignature(QLatin1String("ssv"));
-        msg << interface << QString::fromUtf8(mp.name()) << value;
-        QPointer<QDBusAbstractInterface> qq = q;
-        QDBusMessage reply = connp->sendWithReply(msg, QDBusConnection::UseEventLoop);
-        // access to "this" or to "q" below this point must check for "qq"
-        // we may have been deleted!
-        if (!qq.isNull() && reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage)
-            lastError = reply;
+        setProperty(mp, value);
         return -1;
     return id;

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