did you here about this on CNN

pirateenvy at oppenheimerfunds.com pirateenvy at oppenheimerfunds.com
Fri Oct 19 06:53:42 PDT 2007

Global News Wire

Market News:

Exit To Enter US

Exit Only Inc. E x TO

Back In May of 2007, Exit Only Inc. released their new website.
Web-marketing of used vehicles is not a new concept. The new concept
here is allowing its clients to post vehicles to the database without
charge or hidden fees. The company charges sellers only for actual
contact info from interested buyers.

Points To Consider:

- Initial marketing in Canada was met with overwhelming response.
- The marketing teams projected year end numbers were surpassed 4 months
- The US version of the site is now ready to be released to the market.
- Exit has partnered with a number of online services to provide
immediate market exposure.
- In addition the site is now providing Mobile access, delivering
sellers contact information of potential buyers right to their cell

Comparing the size of the US market to Canada, similar results in the US
could very well transform this company into an overnight success. To
read recent releases and find out more information consult any financial

Top International News:

Loggers, Greenpeace activists in Brazil standoff ---- RIO DE JANEIRO,
Brazil -- Hundreds of loggers and angry residents have surrounded eight
Greenpeace members who tried to leave an Amazon town with a scorched
tree trunk for an exhibit on global warming, the environmental group
said Wednesday. The activists are holed up in the makeshift headquarters
of the federal environmental agency in the town of Castelo dos Sonhos,
Greenpeace campaigner Andre Muggiati said. "They are still surrounded
and the situation is tense," he said by telephone. The region in the
Amazon state of Para is part of the so-called "arc of destruction," the
southern edge of the rain forest that has been devastated by loggers. In
2005, American missionary Dorothy Stang was shot dead in the region
during a land dispute. On Tuesday, the Greenpeace activists tried to
haul away a badly burned fallen tree trunk for an exhibit on global
warming in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Muggiati said.

Reports In The US:

Maine middle school to offer birth control - PORTLAND, Maine -- After an
outbreak of pregnancies among middle school girls, education officials
in this city have decided to allow a school health center to make birth
control pills available to girls as young as 11. King Middle School will
become the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of
contraception available, including birth control pills and patches.
Condoms have been available at King's health center since 2000. Students
need parental permission to access the school's health center. But
treatment is confidential under state law, which allows the students to
decide whether to inform their parents about the services they receive.
There are no national figures on how many middle schools provide such
services. Most middle schoolers range in age from 11 to 13.

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