failure notice

Sat Mar 29 03:46:17 PDT 2008

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<dbury at>:
This address no longer accepts mail.

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <dbus-commit at>
Received: (qmail 19507 invoked from network); 29 Mar 2008 11:46:17 +0100
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Received: (qmail 6471 by uid 775); Sat, 29 Mar 2008 04:45:19 +0600
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To: <dbury at>
Subject: March 84 % Off!
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              Dear Emerson Huffman,<br>
              Thank you for scheduling your recent credit card payment online.  Your payment will post to your account on 222769632950/08/2008.         
              Now that you're making your payment online, are you aware of all the convenient ways you can manage your account online?
              Just log in to today.  Using the "I'd like to..." links for your credit card account, you can access more than a dozen features, including links to: 
                                    <B>See Statements</B> - View your statement and choose to stop receiving paper statements.</LI>
<a href=""><img src="">
                                    <B>Manage automatic payments</B> - Set up monthly payments to be made automatically.</LI>
                                    <B>Transfer a balance</B> - Transfer a balance to your credit card account.</LI>
                                    <B>Go to Free Alerts</B> - Schedule alerts to be reminded of key account activity.</LI>
              You can also view past payments you have made online by logging on to and clicking "See payment history" under "I'd like to ..." .
             If you have any problems or questions, please call the Customer Service number on the back of your credit card.     <BR>
          Thanks again for using online payments. 
       Cardmember Services
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         This email was sent to: dbury at<br>

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