Titudes to temper the wintry rigour of the north, throws objects on the western

Suddoth polygenetic at djhein.nl
Wed Dec 9 07:28:11 PST 2009

 What else was the tragic story of a father and his sons dying by the
bites and crushed within the scaly folds of a coil of serpents; and on
which, as touchingly represented in the sculptured marble, we have never
looked without recalling the fate of Adam and his unhappy offspring? And
what else is the old legend of him who with rash hand sowed serpent's
teeth, and saw spring from the soil, not clustering vines, or feathery
palms, or stalks of waving corn, but a crop of swords, and spears, and
armed men? Read that fable by the light of the Bible, and the wild
legend stands out the record of an awful fact. To the serpent the world
owes it wars, and discords, and the sin which is their source. Disguised
in its form, Satan brought in sin; and when sin entered on the scene,
peace departed--peace between God and man, peace between man and man,
peace between man and himself--the peace which, with all its blessings,
He descended from heaven to restore who is our Peace, and whom angels
ushered on the scene of His toils and triumphs, of His atoning death and
glorious victory, with songs of "Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace, good-will toward men." VIII. JESUS RESTO
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