Re devoted to that particular portion of work in which he

Parkhurst unproductive at
Mon Mar 22 06:06:36 PDT 2010

Chyard is closed
and a cemetery has been provided under a burial board to be used for interments, the custody of the old registers
belongs to the Incumbent, and he is entitled to the fees for certificates
of burial previous to the

closing of the Churchyard, but the custody of the registers of interments
in the cemetery
belongs to the chaplain or officer of the burial board. The Act
52 Geo. III., cap. 146, s. 4, requiring certificates of burials in any other place than the Churchyard of the Parish Church to be sent to the Incumbent, has been repealed as far as burials are concerned in grounds
provided by the Burial Acts (20 and 21 Vict., cap. 81, s. 15). Then I wish that it were universally
acknowledged that the next step s
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