It just keeps climbing

Lambert Singleton awwaltenn at
Sun Sep 16 03:41:24 PDT 2012

Greetings, would you desire to get $2500 this month? Devote $450 in a 
Rocket Stock: E MPM!!! It's appraised to skyrocket to $.30 per share.

Trading Date: Sep 17
Company Name: Empire Post Media Inc
Sym: E MPM
Per share price: $0.012
Long Term Target Price: .30

E MPM is ready to become a attractive blockbuster in producing of 3D 
materials in United States. 3D TV set field is set to climb large by close 
to 620%, Owners with 3D TV sets must reach 301 mill in 2015!

E MPM must deliver large income for You this month!!! Buy $450 of E MPM on 
Mon, September 17, 2012. Visit your broker or sign up for broker account 
like Options Express!

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