imoreno at imoreno at
Wed May 15 02:54:39 PDT 2013

Purchaseover deal for $1.00 per share on G T_R_L is secured! A 
company that is selling current lows has obtained what appears 
to be few takeover requests. And no I'm not gossiping this 
up... the purchaseover offer is secured! The offer shall go in 
September rising the share cost to greater $1.00. The large 
flicks production is thrilled with G T_R_L's economic model 
that's why they are commited to buy $1.00 per stock. Until 
this is secret, you should buy $11'000 today and cashin 
$1'200'000 in September while the huge film production would 
purchase at $1.00 from you. Trade $11'000 worth of G T_R_L on 
May, 15.

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