ACLs broken in 0.13?

Havoc Pennington
01 Oct 2003 18:01:55 -0400

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 17:34, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> I played this afternoon with d-bus, and had to let the whole thing
> opened to be able to use it (ie. remove all the "block everything" bits
> in the config file).

0.13 has no changes from 0.12 in this area that I remember.

> Here a piece of my /etc/dbus-1/system.d/kudzu file:

It may be required to name your file something.conf, not just something.

Re: your specific config file, you're probably opening up too much
stuff. A change we need to make is to always allow METHOD_RETURN to a
METHOD_CALL that was allowed; this will make it simpler to write the 
hole-punching rules narrowly.

Suggest compiling with --enable-verbose-mode and set DBUS_VERBOSE=1 for
the bus, then see what's happening. You may have to create a bus config
file with the listen socket of a session bus and the policy rules of the
system bus, and start it with --print-address, rather than using the
system bus in-place.
