patch for qt/connection.cpp

Daniel Stone daniel at
Tue Apr 27 17:21:52 EST 2004

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 01:37:35AM -0400, Zack Rusin wrote:
> I don't even know who hands out accounts nowadays, Daniel, Havoc could 
> someone get Harald an account? I don't have enough time to be properly 
> reviewing the patches so I could really use Harald's help and he's got 
> some cool stuff on the plate. 

You email sitewranglers at (I forwarded the request) with
an SSH key, real name, account name, email address, and list of
projects. I don't have the time to be doing it, so not emailing
individual people (e.g. me, Havoc), but a list (sitewranglers) lets
whoever can, do it.

Daniel Stone                                            <daniel at> powering your desktop      
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