SE-DBUS bug fix

Havoc Pennington hp at
Thu Jul 29 22:49:10 PDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 15:14, Matthew Rickard wrote:
> From avc_init(3):
> In the default single-threaded mode, the userspace AVC checks  for  new
> netlink  messages  at the start of each permission query.  If threading
> and locking callbacks are  passed  to  avc_init  however,  a  dedicated
> thread  will  be  started  to  listen  on the netlink socket.  This may
> increase performance and will ensure that log  messages  are  generated
> immediately rather than at the time of the next permission query.

I guess it sounds simpler to me to just avoid the thread. 

> So based on that the advantage goes to the threaded mode.  But of course
> the difference is pretty small.  I haven't had a chance to look at any
> of the D-BUS specific threading stuff in dbus-thread.c.  Would this
> apply here or would we just use pthreads (or just stick to single
> threaded mode)?

dbus-thread.c is supposed to abstract thread locks, but not creating
threads or anything. Since selinux is Linux-specific (and certainly
UNIX-specific) I think just using pthreads would be right.


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