Pure Python DBus implementation

Jakub Piotr Cłapa jpc at pld-linux.org
Mon Aug 8 00:10:32 EST 2005

Would anybody be interested in such? I have a working SASL module (with 
DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 method implemented), the message protocol and the 
unmarshaler and would like to know if the whole project would be 
welcomed by the community or if I only do this for myself.
It's not perfect but I tried to closely follow the spec and it 
successfully parses the two messages you get from the bus after 
connecting and sending Hello (this message alone is currently hardcoded 
byte by byte because the marshaler is not done yet ;)

A word about 'why':
- the current bindings are buggy (I send two patches only to discover
   that the marhshaler fails to handle Dictionaries)
- they are bindings after all so they have a quite big dependency (the C
   dbus library)
- they are quite high level and enforce many constraints on how you want
   to write your program and use the protocol
- the protocol is simple and the marshaled data map well to the Python
   data types so writing the implementation was quite simple
- alternative implementation (AFAIK there are no other than mine and the
   reference) allow to polish the corner cases in the protocol (e.g. the
   UNIX socket thing I wrote earlier on this list)

Jakub Piotr Cłapa

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