Paddding thing once more

Jakub Piotr Cłapa jpc at
Mon Aug 8 23:45:17 EST 2005

Sorry for so many questions about boring things but I hope you excuse 
three more.

1. The padding for every value is basically a constraint on it's start 
address (counting from the beginning of the header or body) which must 
be a multiple of the alignment value.

When we marshal "yyyu" then between "yyy" and "u" there must be one nul 
byte (regardless of the endianess the padding is always before the value?)

2. The padding of header is simply adding some nul bytes to the end of 
the header to make it's length divisible by 8? It has nothing to do with 
header fileds (which are structs) 8-byte padding? (because their padding 
always goes before the struct value not after it?)

3. Why? What is gained from using paddings in DBus protocol? (it's 
probably a question about binary formats design theory) I found in the 
source that this is borrowed from ORBit2 but haven't seen any 
explanation why.

Jakub Piotr Cłapa

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