Perl Net::DBus release 0.32.3

Daniel P. Berrange dan at
Wed Dec 7 03:05:43 PST 2005

An updated release of the Perl Net::DBus bindings, version 0.32.3 is now 
available from CPAN at:

With online browsable documentation at:

This release should work with all versions of DBus betwween 0.32.0 and 0.50.
I explicitly test on Fedora Core 4 releases at this time. Due to the ABI/API
changes, I do *not* believe this release will work with the new DBus 0.60, 
so anticipate a future update to support that.

Bullet point list of changes is:

The long answer is....

The major focus of this release was making sure the bindings operate
well in cases where introspection data is either not provided, or only 
partially specified. For example, if using GLib bindings in the old 
way without binding-tool, Introspect would be implemented but just 
returns an empty document. Old Perl bindings release would think the 
object exported no methods & thus fail. With this release, introspection 
data is treated purely as a hint for data type marshalling, and method
to interface resolution.

Following on from this, since there are evidently quite a few services 
around which do not provide introspection data, but do have need for
strict data typing of their parameters, I have re-introduced the methods
to let a client explicitly cast method parameters. These should only be
used when no introspection data is available, and must be requested by
specifying 'use Net::DBus qw(:typing)'. See POD docs for more info

Basic support for annotations is now present, so one can mark an exported
method/signal as deprecated, and if calling a deprecated method/connecting 
to a deprecated signal a warning will be output. See Net::DBus::Exporter
for more info.

Finally, in addition to 'session' and 'system' bus types, there is an 
*experimental* 'test' bus which provides a local 'mock' connection. This 
is intended for unit tests to allow one to test services which may call 
out to other services on the bus, without requiring a full bus connection. 
See Net::DBus::Test::MockObject for more info.


NB. 'make test' will fail you have compiled DBus with assertion checking
    enabled. This will be resolved at a future date.

NB. Please ignore the bogus '0.32.3a' release on CPAN - I had a fight
    with CPAN when uploading & CPAN won - the bogus '.3a' version will 
    be removed from CPAN by the weekend.
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