Qt bindings

James Thorniley james at uncommonlygood.co.uk
Thu Jun 16 14:14:12 PDT 2005

> 1) Do you know of anyone using the current Qt bindings in D-BUS?  Are
>    you proposing to replace them?  Have you talked with Zack?

The KDE3.4 media:/ ioslave uses them to talk to HAL. I've had a quick look at 
the source, and I'm pretty sure it only uses the main loop integration. In 
theory, it should not be affected, but I haven't tested it.

I'm not proposing replacing the current bindings as in completely overhauling 
them, the only bit that I replaced is the message argument methods, 
everything else is more of an extension than a replacement.

I haven't spoken to Zack, I will email and see if he has any thoughts.

> 2) How does your API relate to the work done on Qt4 and D-BUS?

When I first looked at this a couple of weeks ago, the page for the Qt4 
bindings (http://trolls.troll.no/~harald/dbus/index.html) was giving me a 403 
error, I assumed it was yanked. I hadn't looked at it again until today, so 
there is no relation between what I've done and the Qt4 bindings at all. 
There are some differences in the design.

This does present a problem - no one will want to use two completely different 
APIs. It might be interesting to see if the Qt4 bindings could be backported 
to Qt3, so it would be possible to use D-BUS in Qt3 programs and easily 
upgrade to Qt4. 


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