[patch] fix glib signals

Ryan Gammon rgammon at real.com
Fri Jun 24 11:49:24 PDT 2005

Are you connecting signals to "proxy" below, and having those signals work?

I find I have to get the object path out of "proxy" here, 
dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner a new proxy, and connect the signals to 
that, at which point signals start working for me.

Ross Burton wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 16:47 -0700, Ryan Gammon wrote:
>>Re: the signals stuff, I have a call that looks like this:
>>dbus_g_proxy_call (player->backend_driver, "CreatePlayer", &error,
>>                        G_TYPE_STRING, license, G_TYPE_UINT, socket_id, 
>>                        DBUS_TYPE_G_PROXY, &proxy, G_TYPE_INVALID))
>>I'm trying to connect signals to the returned proxy, but I think the 
>>proxy here gets bound to a name vs an instance, so signals don't work.
>>I was thinking it might be cool if there was a method that took a gproxy 
>>that was bound to a name, and got it to bind to a name owner (and maybe 
>>visa versa). Would this make sense?
>I've got code which does exactly that and is working fine.  What is the

Ryan Gammon
rgammon at real.com
Developer for Helix Player

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