Object path values - which service do they belong to?

Daniel Reed n at ml.org
Wed May 18 13:52:48 PDT 2005

On Wed, 18 May 2005, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 15:31 -0400, Daniel Reed wrote:
>> On Wed, 18 May 2005, Colin Walters wrote:
>>> On the server side you don't get to choose, but so far I don't think
>>> I've seen anyone passing object paths as input values, only return
>>> values.
>>  	boolean sendfile(in OBJECT_PATH object_path);
>>  	boolean file_offer(in OBJECT_PATH object_path);
>>  	signal  file_offered(OBJECT_PATH object_path);
> Ok; but do any of these object paths ever refer to objects outside of
> the service context?

The interface assumes object paths will always be in terms of the service 
initiating the call, i.e. when :1.234 calls something in o.m.n.n.c.EFnet 
with an object_path="/o/m/n/n/f/example", o.m.n.n.c.EFnet is to expect the 
fully-qualified object path is :1.234/o/m/n/n/f/example. When 
o.m.n.n.c.EFnet emits a signal with object_path="/o/m/n/n/f/example", all 
receivers are to expect the fully-qualified object path to be 

Daniel Reed <n at ml.org>	http://naim-users.org/nmlorg/	http://naim.n.ml.org/
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