Async DBusMessage reads using the C API

Havoc Pennington hp at
Tue Nov 1 18:59:30 PST 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 20:25 +0000, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> Yeah, I was wondering whether to do that. You definitely want it to be
> non-blocking though. There's a lot of applications where the thread Must
> Not Block or bad things will happen (I'm thinking of two applications
> I'm involved with atm, one of which is having problems with a library 
> which doesn't cope with non-blocking IO).

Well, you have to either block on *something* or you have to busy-loop
or you have to exit (right? those are the only possible alternatives
when you have no immediate processing to do...)

I'd take a guess you mean you need to block on something else, so if you
block on the dbus socket you'll become unresponsive to the something
else. This is the problem a main loop is intended to solve (the main
loop just being an abstraction of
select()/poll()/WaitForMultipleObjects()) so you can block on multiple
things at once.

The other possible solution is the Java norm, i.e. one thread per thing
you might block on. dbus supports that model also.


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