[ANNOUNCE] D-Bus-0.60: "In a Queue of its Own" is released

John (J5) Palmieri johnp at redhat.com
Wed Nov 30 16:55:37 PST 2005

D-Bus version 0.60 - "In a Queue of its Own" has just been released.
This release takes care of most of the major API/ABI changes needed
before we go 1.0.  The focus has been on the latest change to the
RequestName queuing system.  Details of the new system can be read in
the D-Bus specification distributed in the docs directory of the

The reasoning for moving to 0.60 instead of jumping to 0.90 is that the
new queuing system is a major change and has not been thoroughly tested
in real world applications.  I encourage people to play with it and give
their opinions.  If there are problems with the system we are still open
to changes but if all goes well this will be the 1.0 API.  About the
only other ABI change on hand is increasing the limit on the size of a
signature.  The previous patch was inadequate to make it into this

As of right now all D-Bus development should focus on fixing bugs,
writing documentation and getting the bindings into shape.  Sans changes
in the RequestName API I don't expect to see any more API changes to the
core library.  I want to aggressively push for the end of December to be
when we release 1.0.  D-Bus has proven to be a great development
platform, now it needs to be a stable and supported one.

As usual:


John (J5) Palmieri <johnp at redhat.com>

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