path name rules

Marcel Holtmann marcel at
Mon Oct 3 05:21:19 PDT 2005

Hi David,

> > I am developing D-Bus services for BlueZ. We would like define paths
> > names based on bluetooth device address, eg:
> > "/org/bluez/Manager/00:0D:88:BE:89:BA/Network".However, according with
> > D-Bus specification it is NOT possible use the character ":" in the
> > middle of the path name. Is there a reason for doesn't allow the
> > character ":" in the middle of the path name?
> Out of curiosity, why not just skip the ":" characters in the device
> address names or convert them to underlines when used in a D-BUS object
> path?

this is the human readable way for IEEE addresses and I don't see the
need for an application (especially for script languages like Python and
Perl) to convert them first. Obfuscation is not really helpful.



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