Inclusion of documentation in introspection data?

Julien PUYDT julien.puydt at
Mon Oct 24 11:07:27 PDT 2005

John (J5) Palmieri a écrit :
> I was thinking of adding it as an annotation.  In fact python can do
> this without spec changes if we want to.  We eventually wanted to have
> it so you could do print proxy_obj.__doc__ and get documentation.  The
> biggest problem is bandwidth.  Good documentation can easily become
> bigger than the introspect data itself.  Do we want to go down that
> road?  

I was thinking about that when you asked about seeing the dbus interface 
for gnomemeeting 2.0 in introspection form... I realized that my current 
file also documents what the arguments are, and what the method 
call/signal is about.

The introspection xml loses that.

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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