org.freedesktop.DBus.ReloadConfig not sending a reply

Julien PUYDT julien.puydt at
Mon Oct 31 01:40:31 PST 2005

Sjoerd Simons a écrit :
>  I noticed that org.freedesktop.DBus.ReloadConfig doesn't send out a reply.
>  From what i understand from dbus, methods should always send out a reply so
>  that's a little odd? 

No, the methods may be no_reply.

>  Also it's nice to know when the bus actually handled the message and reloaded
>  the config. So even an empty reply is usefull.

If the reloading isn't fast enough, one will get a timeout error message.

I didn't check what the code does, but I know for gnomemeeting I have 
quite a few methods which don't reply anything because the answer, if 
any, will take way too long to come. In that case I use signals : 
perhaps a "ConfigReloaded" signal would do the trick ?

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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