Changing threading semantics from init early to init before second thread

John (J5) Palmieri johnp at
Mon Aug 14 08:23:58 PDT 2006

With Gnome-VFS (and mozilla) being an issue these days in terms of
making non-threaded apps threaded and killing D-Bus in the process would
it be possible to fix the internals to be able to init before the second
thread is started?  In this scenario we keep track of all the
connections, when dbus_threads_init is called it goes to those
connections and updates all the dummy mutex's (asserting on mutex's
that != the dummy mutex || != the new mutex just for sanity checks).
Since we are still in the main thread there is no race condition at the
point dbus_threads_init is called.  This would allow Gnome-VFS to init
threads late in the game without the app having to know.

John (J5) Palmieri <johnp at>

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