dbus-glib: attempting port from 0.20

Havoc Pennington hp at redhat.com
Mon Dec 18 17:14:11 PST 2006

Gareth Foster wrote:
>> Doesn't look that way, though it also looks pretty easy to fix. You 
>> might file a bug report if nobody from dbus-glib replies shortly.
> Nasty. Well, yes, the errors are easy to fix with a couple of
> reinterpret_cast hacks, but it does say "do not edit" at the top ... oh
> well.

What I meant by easy to fix is easy to fix by modifying 
dbus-binding-tool to include C-style casts or to have an "output C++" 
command line option.

For a short-term workaround I'd suggest writing a little perl or sed 
script to munge in the casts, and run it as part of your build.


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