Tracking users/sessions on the console

Artem Kachitchkine Artem.Kachitchkin at Sun.COM
Thu Jan 12 12:05:02 PST 2006


> To get to the next level of the Linux desktop experience, I'm of the
> opinion we need framework for tracking what is happening on the various
> consoles attached to the system.

Could you summarize the motivation for such a framework.

I read the blog, but the picture is still a bit hazy. I understand the 
desire to apply policies (power mgmt, screen saver and such) outside 
user sessions, but it seems to change the policy scope from 'desktop' to 
'system'. At the system scope we cannot assume desktop, e.g. we cannot 
assume policies are stored in GNOME specific store. As an example, 
assume a case of three console users: one running GNOME, another running 
KDE and yet another running CDE. It seems to me that under the system 
scope things are done a bit differently, and that desktop policy engines 
should be system-aware, not the other way around.


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