Unable to determine the address of the message bus

Rod Butcher rbutcher at hyenainternet.com
Tue Jan 31 05:26:37 PST 2006

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 14:31 +1100, Rod Butcher wrote:
>>[root at HYENA1 root]# dbus-launch
>>So the variable is set.
> That doesn't mean it's set, you have to eval that output to get it set.
> Use "printenv" to see what's set.
>>I read further and discovered that I could launch the app by : 
>>dbus-launch <appname> and Woot ! I now have gnome-screensaver running OK.
>>Is this the usual way to run a program that accesses the message bus, or 
>>does this mean I still have an incomplete environment ?
> No, normally there's one bus for the entire X session, run when you log
> in. If you run a separate dbus daemon for each app, things won't work
> especially well (since the apps need to talk to each other, not each be
> in their own little world)
>>I start X by directly running gdm, which bypasses the xinit stuff.
> Whoever packaged your gdm should have set it up to run dbus-daemon when
> you log in.
If I've understood you correctly, this needs to be set up when the user 
logs on to the linux box, so that the per-session messagebus is 
available for both X and non-X apps, is this correct ?
Working on this premise I added a one-line file to /etc/profile.d/ 
containing :-

eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`

This gets executed whenever I log on to linux, and sets value for 
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS , and allows gnome-screensaver to run when I 
eventually start X via gdm.
Is this a correct technique, i.e. is the messagebus thus started valid 
right across my user session as you mention above ?
> Havoc

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