Is it D-Bus, DBus, D-BUS or dbus?

Timo Hoenig thoenig at
Tue Jul 18 04:01:40 PDT 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 19:54 +0900, Evan Martin wrote:

> I think which name in particular is less important than agreeing upon
> one, and John seems to be the right person to make the final decision.

Sure thing, I just missed the decision on this on-list.  Just saw his
blog entry afterwards.

> If it's any consolation, popular media regularly called GNOME "Gnome",
> so it's possible an official name like D-BUS would've eventually
> migrated to mixed-case anyway.

Mix-up will happen anyway, true.  But we now should really take care and
have a s/D-BUS/D-Bus in the strings of the D-BUS^WBus source tree.

thoenig at nouse:dbus-1-all-new/dbus-0.90> grep -r "D-BUS" . | wc -l

thoenig at nouse:dbus-1-all-new/dbus-0.90> grep -r "D-Bus" . | wc -l

> (Now the question for me becomes what to call my bindings:  Haskell
> people often prefix with an "H", but HD-Bus looks really weird...)



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