Anyone here automates Skype with D-BUS in C?

Juan Carlos Castro y Castro jcastro at
Thu Jun 8 10:52:09 PDT 2006

I've adapted am example program I found elsewhere and it does what it's 
supposed to do (attached here). The only thing this does NOT do is catch 
events. How do I do that? What passes for the Skype documentation says 
the completely non-informative bit below.

Ah, and I'm forced to use D-BUS 0.22 because Skype only supports that. Gah.


To access the Skype API from a client application:


      The application passes its name to Skype:
      <- NAME clientApplication


      Skype pops up a confirmation window to the user with the following
      ClientApplication wants to talk to Skype. OK?


      If OK, protocol messages are exchanged:


-> OK

The Skype protocol manages the subsequent session. The d-bus service is 

Two communication paths are used:


      for client-to-Skype commands the path is /com/Skype


      for Skype-to-client commands the path is /com/Skype/Client

Two methods are used:


      use the Invoke method with one string parameter for
      client-to-Skype commands


      use the Notify method for Skype-to-client commands and responses

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