Additional callerid [change in Protocol]

Havoc Pennington hp at
Thu Oct 26 10:58:34 PDT 2006


This sort of thing has been discussed a lot in the past. For example 
Google turns up
I believe there were more recent threads also.

In some more recent thread, we decided not to do it for 1.0 at least.
I can't find that thread, but maybe if someone did cvs log on doc/TODO 
to see when we dropped the TODO item they could find it.

The changes you describe would not be compatible, and at this point we 
have no plans to make incompatible changes. So if we did decide to do 
this, it would have to be done in some compatible way.

Adding header fields can be done compatibly, as long as it's OK for 
older dbus versions to ignore them.


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