[patch][python] Add support for peer-to-peer connections

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Mon Apr 30 05:59:23 PDT 2007

The pile of patches which will follow this email add basic support for
using peer-to-peer connections to arbitrary addresses, without having to
carry out method call/reply dispatching and signal matching using the
dbus.lowlevel module as is currently done.

We support both peer-to-peer connections where every message sent is
received by the other peer, and "pseudo-bus" connections like the
Telepathy Tubes API where sender and destination bus names are used to
implement a simplified D-Bus.

Server functionality is not yet implemented - we don't need it for
Tubes (until someone wants to implement a connection manager in Python)
because the Telepathy connection manager is always the server and the
D-Bus application is always the client.

The same patches are available from:
	git clone http://people.freedesktop.org/~smcv/git/dbus-python/.git/


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