dbus_message_demarshal() and partial messages

Havoc Pennington hp at redhat.com
Thu Aug 16 19:52:26 PDT 2007


Interesting - this is exactly the opposite of what everyone else writing 
dbus bindings is interested in doing (they all want the connection layer 
but not the message marshaling). ;-)

Taking the perspective of a Linux distribution (or other collection of 
apps packaged as a whole), I do think having bindings or apps 
reimplementing the auth and connection layer is quite bad, because the 
auth and connection layer is where the most "new stuff" is likely to 
happen - new transport mechanisms and auth mechanisms - and it would be 
nice if all apps inherited this work and could talk to each other.

Assuming you are doing something intended to interoperate with dbus at 
all, of course - if not it doesn't matter.

SSL and Windows portability would definitely be "nice to have" in 
libdbus itself, in any case.

That aside, answering your question - the marshal/demarshal API there is 
intended to tunnel dbus through another protocol like XMPP, it was not 
intended for parsing a dbus stream.

If the API addition to support parsing a dbus stream is trivial then I 
guess we could add it, but I would be reluctant to add much code to 
support this.


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