Question on service activation

Thiago Macieira thiago at
Thu Feb 22 14:46:42 PST 2007

Kevin Krammer wrote:
>Hmm, well.
>Seem I didn't get the right words the first time, I'll try again.


>Application Okular wants to send the current document by email. It knows
> that any email service will implement the interface pim.EMail


>One of my questions in the original mail was: can an application assume
>equality between interface name and D-Bus connection name and maybe even
>equality (apart from the separator) with object path.


>Or in the example, can Okular do  the equivalent of
>dbus-send --dest=pim.EMail /pim/EMail pim.EMail.OpenComposer ...

As long as we standardise that "pim.EMail" is the service name that the 
default email component must take on the bus, yes.

>The next question is a follow up: what if the process implementing
> pim.EMail also implements pim.Contacts.

Orthogonal to the discussion. The process could be implementing 
org.freedesktop.DBus too for all we care.

>Ideally the process will end up owning both names, but if one
> application activated pim.EMail and one activated pim.Contacts, isn't
> it a race condition between the process registering both names and the
> bus starting the a second instance of the process?

There is no race condition because there's no locking involved in 
acquiring service names.

Wait... do you mean that app A sent a message to activatable but not 
running service name X, then app B sent a message to activatable but not 
running service Y; then application providing service Y actually 
requested name X too?

Well, I guess the D-Bus message will be delivered to application Y. Since 
it requested that service name, it must be able to handle any messages 
sent to that service.

User preferences don't apply here. If the user doesn't want application Y 
to be service X, it isn't D-Bus that's going to stop it. The application 
must knowingly not register that service.

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
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