Dbus doesn't answer on Hello, manual connection

Havoc Pennington hp at redhat.com
Sun Mar 4 21:16:18 PST 2007


>> It seems there are a few diversions between the spec and the dbus C
>> implementation: there is the protocol number which is 1 and not 0. There
>> is also the message signature which is not yyyyuua(bv) but rather
>> yyyyuua(bbv). I have no idea what the second byte in the struct means.
>> It seems to be always set to 1.

(it would be much appreciated btw if you guys could patch the xml 
version of the spec and post the patches in bugzilla)

> The 1 is the length of the SIGNATURE of the VARIANT, it will always be
> 1, but it's correct according to the spec...

A variant can also contain an array, dict, or struct type which would 
mean a longer signature, I believe.


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