Dbus doesn't answer on Hello, manual connection

Kristoffer Lundén kristoffer.lunden at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 00:52:10 PST 2007

On 3/5/07, Havoc Pennington <hp at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hmm, this is surely a bug in something; libdbus should be unhappy about
> any body length other than the correct one. So if two different ones
> work, something is busted.

Just to be clear: that's not the body length, it's the length of the
array in the header. Possible reason it may work for both lengths is
that dbus-monitor just includes one extra null from the padding.

-- Kristoffer

Kristoffer Lundén
✉ kristoffer.lunden at gmail.comkristoffer.lunden at gamemaker.nu
☎ 0704 48 98 77

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