Seeing the session bus as another user

David Zeuthen david at
Tue Mar 6 19:18:13 PST 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 22:12 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 02:44 +0000, Stuart Langridge wrote:
> > I'd like PHP scripts on my machine, running as www-data, to be able to
> > display notifications on my desktop (since someone mentioned that they
> > do a similar trick with Growl on OS X:
> > and it sounded
> > useful).
> I'm pretty sure that programs outside a session should never have access
> to the session bus as that would have severe security implications.
> Instead, I think what you want to do is to make PHP emit signals on the
> system bus (you don't even have to own the service all the time) and
> then your client in the desktop session can pick those up and display
> notifications.

Just doing this

 $ dbus-send --system /com/myname/MyPHPApp --type=signal \
              com.myname.MyPHPApp.Foo int32:1234 string:some-string

while running dbus-monitor works for me. Btw, this even works for
unprivileged users but I think you can lock that down via a D-Bus
security configuration file that goes in /etc/dbus/system.d so only
www-data can emit signals for the com.myname.MyPHPApp name. Beware that
any user on the system can receive this signal so if you require privacy
you may need to rethink things.


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