Signals with more than one parameter

Steve Kreyer steve.kreyer at
Fri May 18 09:13:52 PDT 2007

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> Steve Kreyer wrote:
>> 1.) glib doesnt provide a matching closure. Do I have to implement it by
>> myself ? If yes, is there any doc outside on how I can do this ?
> glib-genmarshal is used for this.
That was the hint, I've looked for. Next time maybe I should have a
better look at the tut:

"Connecting to object signals
Note that it will often be the case that there is no builtin marshaller
for the type signature of a remote signal. In that case, you must
generate a marshaller yourself by using glib-genmarshal, and then
register it using |dbus_g_object_register_marshaller|."

Thanks  for the patience!

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