[PATCH] more miscellaneous cleanup in dbus core

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed Oct 10 10:55:18 PDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 at 12:36:22 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> This all looks good except I don't understand the __inline__ change, so 
> if you could explain that one further. I think we use some #define 
> inline type of stuff on Windows, too.

If we compile with -ansi (caused by ./configure --enable-ansi), the
inline keyword isn't recognised, because gcc -ansi claims to implement
ISO C90, and inline was only added in C99 (although everyone implemented
it as an extension already). __inline__ is always implemented by gcc, for this

Looking more closely at how --enable-ansi and that function interact, it
seems that it's meant to be disabled in an --enable-ansi build (although if
someone uses CFLAGS=-ansi it'll get enabled in any case), but someone
has got the autofoo completely wrong (code that's only meant to trigger on
Darwin is actually enabling the i486 atomic ops indiscriminately on all i386
or x86-64 machines, oops). I have most of a patch, which I'll finish

Do we forbid builds with CFLAGS=-ansi but not --enable-ansi, or is this
worth applying anyway?

> Also, it all needs ChangeLog (same for the other patches, now that I 
> think about it). I'm not willing to go git-log-only yet.

I added a ChangeLog entry for the _try_ stuff just before pushing, and I
intend to do the same for all the other branches - ChangeLog seems likely
to become some sort of hideous nexus of merge conflicts if we mandate that
every commit on every branch touches it (which is why Collabora projects are
all SCM-log-only, with ChangeLog generated by running git or darcs during
`make dist`, and commit messages required to be sensible).

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