dbus: Proposed relicense to MIT/X11

Ryan Lortie desrt at desrt.ca
Wed Sep 19 09:42:27 PDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-19-09 at 16:17 +0300, Kimmo Hämäläinen wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to make sure: Is the plan to drop the GPLv2 license too? I.e. move
> all code to a single MIT/X11 license?

The GPL code will be preserved in a few very small special cases.  In
specific: we have two .c files (one in test/ and one in tools/) that
contain GPL code.

The main parts of dbus (the library and bus daemon) will be available
under straight-up MIT/X11 (again with some very small exceptions: we
have some code from other sources under very similar but non-identical
licenses).  There will be no GPL code here.

Of course, everyone is free to take the MIT/X11 parts and include them
in their GPL or LGPL-licensed program (either by linking or copy-paste).
It's even possible for someone to fork dbus after the relicense and make
all future versions of their fork effectively available under only the
GPL (by introducing GPL-only code).


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