d-bus over http?

Curtis Maloney cmaloney at cardgate.net
Sun Feb 17 17:19:57 PST 2008

brien colwell wrote:
> hi All,
> Has anyone thought about adding an HTTP connection layer to D-Bus? The
> goal with this would be to allow web apps to participate in a
> communication channel (with each other and other apps).

We have a vague Dbus interface via HTTP currently, and I have started planning 
how to map it more cleanly to HTTP semantics for a second generation implementation.

In various discussions I've had, it should be easy to use XML-RPC for the body 
encoding, and map the service name, path, interface and method to the URI.  Or 
possibly put the method and interface in the XML-RPC request.  Still thinking 
this through.

Obviously you're limited to method calls only, no signal notification (though, 
in theory, you could emit a signal via a HTTP request).

Curtis Maloney
cmaloney at cardgate.net

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