Object Path Naming Conventions

S.Çağlar Onur caglar at pardus.org.tr
Wed Jan 16 00:26:06 PST 2008


D-Bus specifications says following in "Naming Conventions" sections

Object paths are normally all lowercase with underscores used rather than 

And dbus/dbus-marshal-validate.c uses following;

#define VALID_NAME_CHARACTER(c)                 \
  ( ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') ||               \
    ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') ||               \
    ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') ||               \
    ((c) == '_') )

to validate path names @ _dbus_validate_path function

PiSi (our package manager) will start to use D-Bus and we want to use package 
names as object paths, but some of our the package names (like util-linux-ng, 
module-init-tools, dvd+rw-tools etc.) are not compatible with D-Bus naming 
conventions (our package naming policy permits "-" and "+" also).

So could you please tell why this restriction exists, i cannot find any 
related discussion on mailing list archives and spec. says nothing more? 

S.Çağlar Onur <caglar at pardus.org.tr>

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