An Interface for the communication between Web Services and the D-Bus system

Curtis Maloney cmaloney at
Mon Jun 2 15:42:52 PDT 2008

thomas wrote:
> Hello,
> did anybody read my message? What's your oppinion? I think this work is  
> very useful, because it shows that it is possible to use services form 
> other architectures without writing a interface or without adjust the 
> application itself.

I read your message, but didn't have time to look at your code, sorry.  I 
have, however, recently implemented XML-RPC and JSON-RPC interfaces to DBus 
(using the Django web framework) which has been enormously useful to our 

I'm going to guess that by "web service" you really mean "SOAP over HTTP", 
which it's somehow come to be synonymous with.  I can see a lot of benefits 
there if you're also auto-generating WSDL from introspection data...

Curtis Maloney
cmaloney at

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