uuid not getting generated until after install

Ray Strode halfline at gmail.com
Mon May 12 10:25:32 PDT 2008

Hi guys,

In Fedora right now, dbus doesn't generate a machine uuid until the
next time the system bus is started. This causes a problem for
anything that wants to use the message bus during package %post
scripts on fresh build roots.  IIRC, the rationale for generating uuid
on startup instead of during the installation transaction was to
prevent livecd users from all getting the same uuid.  The problem is
dbus doesn't work until the uuid is installed, so it really needs to
be installed when dbus gets installed.

The attached patch generates a temporary uuid that sticks around until
the message bus is restarted.

-------------- next part --------------
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Name: dbus-1.2.1-regenerate-uuid.patch
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/attachments/20080512/4dd37b98/attachment.obj 

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