NFS-mounted home directory and dbus

Shawn Rutledge shawn.t.rutledge at
Wed May 21 10:18:47 PDT 2008

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Arkady <bamboowarrior at> wrote:
> I'm a bit of a n00b, but I RTFM'd to the best of my ability. As testament to
> my n00bness, I only just learned that if you've got a remotely mounted
> directory, you can't access it when you're superuser (even with sudo, even
> read-only). I think this may be contributing to my dbus woes.

That's weird.  Sounds like you need to troubleshoot that.  The
no_root_squash option (which would be in /etc/exports on the NFS
server) would ensure that if you are root on the client you are root
on the server too, but can be a security hole depending on the context
(if all the users are trusted, you probably don't care).  But there is
more to it than that; I wouldn't expect to lose privileges by becoming
root, that you had as a regular user.  But you are running KDE as a
regular user right?  Doesn't that user have write permission to his
own NFS-mounted home directory?

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