file send in a byte array

ivan fernandez calvo ivan.fernandez at
Fri May 30 03:12:46 PDT 2008

I try to send a file by DBus into a byte array, the file is complete
send but the java par of aplication been stoped in a function unix
socket java library UInputStream.native_recv and never exit of it.
I try an GArray null termitated and no null terminated and the result is
the same, I try to lie and modified the longitude of array to less then
it is but not work.

the signature of service is:
<method name="getFile">
	<arg type="ay" name="ayFile" direction="out" /> 

and the implementation is:
gboolean messageDBus_get_file(MessageDBusServidor* obj, GArray**
OUT_ayFile, GError** error) {
    *OUT_ayFile = g_array_new (TRUE,TRUE,sizeof(gchar));
	i try this too
	*OUT_ayFile = g_array_new (FALSE,FALSE,sizeof(gchar));
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    gchar pBuffer[8192]={0};
    gint nByteCount=0;
    gint i=0;
    gchar sFile[256] = {0};
    fp = fopen(sFile,"r");
    if (fp!=NULL) {
        while (!feof(fp)) {
            nByteCount = fread(&pBuffer,1,sizeof(pBuffer),fp);
            for (i=0;i<nByteCount;i++) {
	return TRUE;

the java part is

try {  
 con = DBusConnection.getConnection(DBusConnection.SESSION);  
 cli = con.getRemoteObject(sInterface,sNode);
 List<Byte> bytesFile = cli.getFile();
} catch (DBusException De) {  

the file is correct and can work with it but the service never receive
more connections. If i run D-feed the interfaces of service were

Any ideas?

best regars

Un Saludo
Ivan Fernandez Calvo

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